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Thursday 21 March 2013

Bloody Mary Shrimp Cocktail in Chinese Soup Spoons(Amuse Bouche)

You can always serve this appetizer as an ordinary shrimp cocktail, with shrimp and sauce on the side (or in a martini glass). However, for a dramatic presentation and for the most effective delivery of the sauce, porcelain Chinese soup spoons are the way to go. Not only are they perfect for single servings, they eliminate the issue of "double-dipping." And, in each spoon you have the right amount of sauce to fulfill its promise of "going straight to your head." Feel free to adjust the amount of vodka in the sauce to suit your preference, either for a stronger taste or less of a bite. I promise that you'll be the talk of the town after serving this sensational (and quick and easy!) appetizer! Porcelain Chinese soup spoons are available at an inexpensive price at most Oriental supermarkets or on-line through -- posted by Alan in SW Florida

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