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Friday 17 May 2013

Pimples and their solution

Some facts about pimples:

Pimple, otherwise known as acne is a skin rash, common among adolescents. Adolescents give a lot of importance to body image, and it is seen that development of pimples on the face lowers their self-esteem. It is embarrassing to face people and mingle with the society if one is not confident about appearances. Pimples can appear on the face, chest and back, but it is the ones appearing on the face that bother most people.

Pimples mostly are the result of inflammation of the hair follicles and hormonal factors and can lead to the formation of dark spots if manipulated. When a pimple is touched, squeezed or pinched, there is chance of the resident micro-organisms on the hand getting transferred to the lesion and thereby infecting the pimple. Resident organisms are plenty under the finger nails, inside hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands. The microorganisms from beneath the surface layers of skin are brought to the surface with sweat and secretions of sebaceous glands. Hence, it is very important not to touch any lesion on the face with bare hands especially without hand washing. Infected pimples, when heal can leave dark spots on the skin.

How to solve the problem? How to remain pimple free?

Even though, the development of pimples is not directly related to lack of hygiene, a daily bath including hair wash and short finger nails help to some extent. The area affected should be washed twice daily with soap and water to reduce the oil content.

The following mixture of Kasturimanjal powder (a form of turmeric), redsandalwood powder and green gram powder mixed in milk or cream of milk will help in reducing the occurrence of pimples and dark spots.Kasthuri Manjal

The scientific name of Kasturi manjal is Curcuma aromatica belonging to the family Zingiberaceae.

It is an annual rhizomatous plant.

It is said to have antiseptic properties and is used in medicinal and cosmetic preparations.

It has a bright yellow colour and a sweet natural odour.Red sandalwood: The scientific name of red sandalwood is Santalum rubrum. Red sandalwood Powder, also known as Rakta Chandana Powder , has been used by women from time immemorial to beautify the skin especially in India. It has got medicinal properties and is used as antiseptic and wound-healing agent. Even when used alone, it is said to have properties to get rid of pimples and erasing scars. High quality red sandal wood powder is available from Mysore, Karnataka, South IndiaGreen gram:

It is known as mung bean or mung daal in many parts of India and is a very common ingredient in Indian cuisines.

It has got high protein content and is easily digestible.How to prepare Kasturi manjal, Red sandal wood Green gram mixture


¼ teaspoon of Kasturi manjal powder (commercially available in many parts of India especially Kerala)

¼ teaspoon of Redsandalwood powder (best quality product available from Mysore, Karnataka)

¼ teaspoon of green gram powder

Make it into a smooth paste with 2 to 3 teaspoons of milk or crème of milk (if your face is oily, reduce the amount of crème). Apply it on your face, neck and nape of neck and wash with mild soap after 15 – 20 minutes. It should be done regularly to get the desired effects.

Applying this mixture regularly gives a natural glow to the skin and reduces pigmentation. This gives a bleaching effect and evens out the skin colour and tone. After washing the mixture the skin will be very soft and supple to touch. Do not expect a miracle. If applied regularly, your skin will definitely change for better.

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