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Sunday 19 May 2013

Treat constipation to get rid of pimples

If you have a pimple on your face, you must be desperate to know the way to get rid of that pimple fast. Pimples are more prevalent in teenage and in early twenties. Some people have to face this ugly experience in middle adulthood. Excessive oil on skin, dead cells, and clogged pores results into painful pimples. There are many natural ways, which reduces the likelihood of getting pimples. Go through the following article, you will find some effective ways to get rid of pimples at home:

Treat constipation to get rid of pimples

Constipation can be a cause of pimples. Our inappropriate eating habits and stressful lifestyle leads to constipation. One can completely clear acne and pimples through getting rid of their constipation.

Removing toxins from your body is really important for healthy skin. Do not under estimate natural phenomenon of taking out toxins through bowel. If waste and toxins from your body is not eliminated as it should be, it will come out on your skin. This results into breakouts and ugly painful pimples.

To get rid of pimples by natural process, consider eating more fiber such as fruits. Add more water to your diet. If you are suffering from chronic constipation, you can take laxative that are foods or drugs taken in order to loose the stool. You can also take enema to treat your constipation. Laxatives are not considered good in long run as they weaken the colon. It's better to take advice of a natural therapist to treat a chronic constipation.

Do not take constipation problem lightly, if you want to get rid of pimples. Keep in mind, constipation is a big cause of acne.

Fuller's Earth/Multani mitti works for getting rid of acne

To get rid of pimples naturally, you can try a mask made up of fuller earth, which is also called multani mitti. A face mask made up of multani mitti is the best way to deeply clean the pores. A very significant benefit of using this mud pack is that it stimulates blood circulation when mask get harden. This brings more oxygen to the skin, leaving it more live and clean.

The procedure of using fuller earth or multani mitti as a mud mask is given in following lines.

Add some water to the powder of fuller's earth, an easily available product in food stores. Let it be for 10 minutes. Now, mix it well. Add few drops of rose water in it. Apart from smelling excellent, rose water will also do toning to the pores. Apply to the skin affected with pimples and let it dry. Rinse off with warm water after 15 to 20 minutes. This mud mask is very effective in large and painful pimples as multani mitti will suck all the puss and dirt from the pores of acne.

Regular cleansing routine to clear acne and pimples

The best way to treat pimples naturally is to pay attention to your face cleansing schedule. If you are suffering from pimples, you must adopt a regular cleansing routine. A dedicated skin care regime can do wonders to the skin. Wash your face twice or thrice in a day, depending on the type of your skin such as if you have oily skin, wash thrice otherwise restrict it to twice a day. Your face must be clean of sweat, oil and makeup. You can also choose an antibacterial cleanser with salicylic acid for use on acne-prone skin.

Ice cubes are helpful for pimples treatment

The reason ice is used to get rid of pimples is that it freezes the pores, removing extra oil and dirt from your face skin. Rubbing ice cubes on face means less swelling on large painful pimples. It is quick and natural remedy to treat zits. You can apply either crushed ice or an ice cube wrapped in a cloth. Using ice helps to shrink pimples. Though ice assists to reduce any kind of swelling of zits by shrinking the blood vessels, it does not treat the underlying infection.

Lemon juice helps to fight against pimples

Lemon juice helps to clear up pimples from your face. The acid in lemon juice, when applied topically on the skin will fight with the acne causing bacteria. L-absorbic acid found in lemon will lend a hand in cleaning the clogged pores and this makes the pores appear minor. Besides helping in getting rid of pimples naturally, regular use of lemon also bestows you with a soft glow.

Lemon juice is inexpensive and you can easily find it in your kitchen. Lemon juice is also beneficial in lightening the scars of large pimples. Daily use if lemon on your face will improve your skin tone, reducing overall redness caused by the pimples.

Follow all the above tips and see that getting rid of pimples naturally is not an impossible task. Besides, never pop a pimple as this will aggravate the skin condition. Try to treat pimples at home first, if it does not work then consult a dermatologist.

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