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Thursday 9 May 2013

Being a mother is a dream come true, it brings self fulfillment and self pride to a mother. For sure, her life centers around her children. But unfortunately there are a few women who for one reason or the other might suffer from miscarriage inspite of their best efforts. Though perhaps it is an act of God, but for sure we cannot leave everything as it is, when we know there are various ways in which miscarriage can be avoided. In this post, I am writing about some of the natural ways in which miscarriage can be prevented in pregnancy. Hope this article is of help to multitude of women who suffer from this trauma.

Miscarriage is said to occur mainly during the early stages of pregnancy i.e in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy the chances of miscarriage are greater. Another point to note is that miscarriage is more frequent in women who are aged 37 and older. Research reveals that 10%-15% of all pregnancies may end up in miscarriages.

The reasons for miscarriage may vary from women to women but it is believed that a certain change in diet and lifestyle can go a long way in preventing miscarriage. (Related: Vegan Diet During Pregnancy)Causes of miscarriage in early weeks of pregnancy

Genetic problems

Chromosome abnormalities

Unhealthy lifestyle

Chronic diseases

Over Stressful living

Hormonal imbalance





Irregular ovulation

Weak cervix

Excessive alcohol intake

Too much smoking

Uterine malformation

However, it needs to be added that these might be some of the many causes responsible for miscarriage and they are likely to differ from women to women.How to prevent miscarriage naturally during pregnancy

All those women who have suffered miscarriage at one or other time of their lives should try to get the problem treated naturally too apart from of course, consulting a good gynecologist who will focus on the exact area of concern. But following these tips too would be beneficial to you:

Nutritious Diet: Diet plays a major role in keeping you healthy from within. Include more of nutritious foods in your diet right from the time you are pregnant. This will keep your baby healthy too. There are certain foods to avoid by pregnant women, read here.

Drink lots of water: Drinking lots of water during pregnancy is often recommended by gynecologists. This helps to flush out toxins from your body and keep it clean from within.

Intake of Vitamins: Always stick to prenatal vitamins which your doctor must have prescribed to you. These basically are said to be rich in folic acid and iron.

Take Vitamin C: Vitamin C is known to strengthen your uterus. Include more of vitamin c rich diet. You can take vitamin c supplements or in natural form of vitamin c rich foods like oranges, grapes, lemon.Exercise Daily: Going for moderate level of exercises also help a lot. This may include going for short walks on a regular basis. However this should not be done on vigorous level so stop running or skipping if you have been doing so.

Take Rest: Proper rest is a must when it comes to preventing miscarriage. Get proper sleep at night and avoid work which is of strenuous kinds.

Supplementing with Progestogen: Progestogens are hormones which prepare the female womb to receive and support the newly fertilized egg. So, those women who have suffered from miscarriage are often supplemented with this hormone to prevent future miscarriages.Tips to Prevent Miscarriage in Pregnancy

Apart from changes in diet and lifestyle there are certain tips too which you need to know in order to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy:

Go to the doctor if you suffer from severe cramps during early weeks of pregnancy.

Go for a checkup if you notice blood spotting or if there is heavy bleeding during pregnancy.

Stop drinking alcohol, and stay away from cigarettes as soon as you become pregnant.

Practice meditation and breathing techniques.

Try to stay calm and stress free as much as possible.

If you have been on any prescribed medicine before you became pregnant, it is important that you talk to your doctor and inform her about it.

Consult your doctor if you have thyroid or diabetes.

Stay away from environmental hazards too like radiations, x rays etc.However, as it is said that prevention is better than cure, it is advisable that you should remain in touch with your female doctor and follow all her directions and advices with great care in order to avoid any future mishaps. Happy Parenting to You All. You might also find beneficial to read on "how to treat headaches in pregnancy"

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