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Thursday 9 May 2013

How To Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast

Have you ever cast a longing, envious gaze upon a woman who, just weeks after the birth of her baby, has got her pre-pregnancy body back with seemingly no effort?

The truth is that most of us have. Because for the majority of women, getting our body back into shape and fitting back into our favorite jeans after bub is born really doesn't come naturally or easily.

Add into the equation the fact that the majority of celebrity mothers make it look incredibly easy to do, and it's no wonder so many women wind up feeling deeply disappointed in themselves for not being able to lose their pregnancy weight as fast.

If you're in this boat right now, don't give up and give in to the temptation of a fatty bag of potato crisps or a tub of sugar laden ice-cream! There are many simple steps you can take that will speed up your pregnancy weight loss journey and have you back in your favorite jeans or sexy cocktail dress in no time at all!Pregnancy Weight Loss Tips

Here are 5 diet-related tips on how to lose pregnancy weight fast you can arm yourself with to help you get you started and stay on the right track to swift slimming success:

1. Eat 'smaller' meals more frequently

Forget about eating the normal 3 standard meals per day as this isn't doing you any favors when it comes to losing pregnancy weight fast. Why not? Because spacing these few meals out at 5 or so hours apart means that by the time you sit down to your next meal, chances are you will be super hungry, and therefore more inclined to overeat. Worse still, you may also be inclined to eat calorie-laden fatty or sugary snacks between meals as a quick fix to curbing your hunger. This is not the way to speedy pregnancy weight loss!

To avoid this kind of self-sabotage, eat ‘small’ healthy meals frequently throughout the day. This will help you avoid the risks of overeating and unhealthy snacking. And another major benefit of embracing this routine of eating smaller meals more often throughout the day is that your body will metabolize the food you eat more efficiently, using up all of the energy it gains rather than storing any extra fat. Yippee!

2. Don't live on 'diet foods'

Consuming a diet dominated by overly-processed, empty calorie foods such as weight loss snacks and meals will simply deprive your body of the crucial metabolism-boosting, fat-burning nutrients found in natural whole foods.

Instead, be sure to load your diet up with nutrient-rich, whole foods that boost your metabolism and burn more fat and you will be helping your body work much more efficiently to lose pregnancy weight fast.

3. Fill up on a variety of vegetables

Vegetables are incredibly low in calories, so be sure to eat them in abundance to fill yourself up. Keep containers of chopped up vegies like carrot, cucumber, celery and capsicum in your fridge so that you can conveniently snack on them whenever you begin to feel hunger creeping up on you - your body will thank you for it!

And be sure to inject some variety into the way you cook your vegetables to prevent yourself growing bored with eating them. Alternate between steaming, boiling, BBQing and baking them to mix things up, and add some seasonings to enjoy your wide variety of vegies with exciting new flavors too.

4. Drink lots of water

Drinking around two liters of water per day is crucial if you want to lose pregnancy weight fast. Why so? Because filling yourself up with water helps you avoid getting those pesky hunger pangs between meals, it helps to ensure that you don't overeat at meal times, and it helps eliminate the likelihood of you consuming unhealthy diet-killing snacks between meals.It also helps to cleanse and detox your body.

5. Don't eat late at night

By consuming your last meal at least 3 - 4 hours before you go to bed, you will be giving your body enough time to burn up the energy gained from it, with no excess energy left over to be stored as fat overnight. Oprah has revealed on many occasions that she sticks to this rule religiously when she is trying to lose weight.

While these fantastic five diet-related tricks will set you on the right track for shedding those hard-to-budge unwanted pregnancy pounds sooner, savvy eating habits are just one part of the difficult pregnancy weight loss puzzle...

Get more tips on how to lose pregnancy weight fast

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